Saturday, May 4, 2024

Battery Box Fabrication

 Robert Juarez posted this to Facebook:

"Meanwhile back at the day job almost have this Bug eyed Sprite battery box finished and ready to paint. This is what you have to do when there’s no trunk lid but you want to stuff a bunch of batteries in the back of your ride. Cut a big hole in the back floor and fabricate a box that will drop down from the bottom with all the batteries installed in it. I’ll have this little electric Sprite cruising around town not making a sound soon. Almost done Fred !"

Big hole in the boot floor also let Robert get inside to do some of the sheet metal work without crawling in from the cabin

Corners all trued up before welding
Parts cut and ready to assemble

Excellent fit for the batteries (note: trial fit, not correct battery orientation

Mounting brackets added

View from the underside

In place
Note the subtle curve in the
mounting bracket to conform
with the slope of the floor

Shoot on a coat of black pickup bed liner and it will disappear

Thanks Robert, really beautiful work!

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